Sunday, August 26th, 2001  23:20

Well friends...I'm hoping this actually works out for me. I'm so incredibly lost without my composer. This is a horrible mess of html I'm typing through, and for those of you who are like me (using programs to make your webpage), you'd understand how horribly confused I am write now. And it's odd too because the html in one page is different from another. For this page, everytime there's a space, instead of showing a space, it shows me " ". Hopefully, that shows up, and doesn't absorb with the code. Anyway, point being, one of my other pages, didn't have that in the spaces. See where I get confused? Because you're probably just as confused reading it. AAAaaaarg. I hate this.

And so then we hope and pray that, switching lines works. It drives me nuts not to know if it's worth it for me to even type all this out. Besides, my "adoring" public has probably given up on my by now. I haven't written since May, for fucks sake. What is wrong with me? I feel like I've been neglecting everything lately. I'm too caught up in everyone and everything else, to think about me, and take time for me, and to spend time with my friends. It's working again that's draining my energy. I've been working for over a month (yay!!!), almost two actually. It feels great, I just can't wait until I start feeling like I'm making money. Right now, I'm just trying to pay off everything I have in backpayments. Boo, hiss. Evil evil world.

And so, new updates are in order I guess. I have a job, as I mentioned before. It's now been over 6 months for my boy and I. I attended the Little River Rock Fest (or, Classic Rock Rip Off). It was pretty good, except that there was a huge lightning storm on Saturday night, we couldn't find shrooms before we left, we didn't have much to smoke, we were both totally broke (went with Clarence)...and Poison cancelled...along with Dr. Hook, and Styx and Kim Mitchell got rained out!!!! BLAH. But, Sunday was fun. So it kinda made up for a bit of the weekend.

I suppose that's all I can sputter out for one night. Besides, I have to get up WAY early, and I'm getting tired. So, take care all. Hugz and Kisses to my sweetie. I miss you.