Saturday, February 17th, 2001  6:48pm

Now as I type in the time, I wonder if I've been typing military time and adding pm or am to it....hmmm...well fuck, I don't know, I don't care, it doesn't matter anyway, now does it.  I'm confused.  And I don't know why I decided to write at this particular moment.  Yes, I'm stoned, I really have anything to say?  I'm confused about a few things right now, a boy is one of them.  Weido's.  They're all weirdo's.  I fall for the ones I can't have, that's all.  But it's okay, but I don't mind being single.  For the most part.  It's fun.  I can be a bitch with no one to complain about it.  Hurrah!

I need a cigarette...That's better.  So let's see, what to say.  Well, once again made a journey to my favorite bar last night, and stayed for like, 2 hours.  It was so incredibly horrible!  Oh my goodness.  It was just sad.  It was dead, and they were playing shit music that no one can dance to.  My god.  I never thought I'd hate that place so much.  Fucks to u4ia.  Tonight I'm going to the Zoo, and I'm hoping that will be better.  There are three tribute bands playing.  YAY.  I'm semi excited you know.  :)

I was sick with the flu for the past week.  Hot cold hot cold hot cold hot *puke* repeat....for 5 days.  Yuck.  It was so not fun.  I don't think I've ever had a flu that bad.  Musta been a stomach flu or something funky.  Then Karen panicks and says "oh go get tested for meningitis, it'll kill you, go go go!!"  EEEEEEEEEEK.  So paranoid.  So I go, and hey, whaddya know, it's THE FLU, like I thought it was.  I'm all panicking and I'm fine.  Mleh.  Stoopid germs.

And so here I sit with no thoughts in my head to ramble on about.  Just...emptiness.  I've been sick so nothing cool has been going on.  Nothing even the slightest bit interesting.  Karen's sick, I'm sick, Mel got a job :)  Mel and Spence are moving close to me!!!  Yay!  Finally friends close to me.  *dances*  Well...female friends...well...nm.  Okay, so I have friends close to me.  Mleh.  Ya. Time to go.