Humans....are weak. What other species will pawn off their possessions for to support their habits. What other species, even needs to use money to live? Why don't we try to live like the animals? Come on, our ancestors did it. Trading posts and the like. Who needs all this modernized crap!? Why am I spouting off about this shit? I sold three 13 bux for them...and was happy because I could buy more cigarettes. Like fawk. You know you're addicted when...
Although I never did claim that I wasn't addicted. I'm sorry that I haven't written in like...a month. Bleh. I've been sick and depressed, who the hell wants to write when they're sick? And I feel like I've been losing my touch for writing these things. There are way too many thoughts in my head some days, and some days, there aren't enough thoughts. I'm living a meaningless existence right now. And will continue to live like this until I can figure out exactly what it is I want to do. Seriously thinking about going back to school actually. That would be nice, provided that EI could support me while I'm doing that. Hmm....something to look into I think.
So, I guess Sean is still the only one who reads these...he's the only
one who gets on my case for not writing. Did I mention that Shakin'
the Lake was amazing? No? Well it was!!! :P I will
have tons of pictures up, whenever I can afford to get them developed.
I promise. I have one pic already, but I'm not going to put it up
until I have all the other ones. And you know...I saw so many tits
that weekend, I think I've become desensitized to them. Just big
balls of fat, what's so good about them? Men and their toys, I tell
ya. That's all they are. For babies and men. Which...actually...are
close to the same thing.