Monday, June 19th, 2000  11:18am

    My goodness, a straight stream.  Well, we'll see how interesting this gets.  Probably not very interesting at all, as I really don't have anything to say, but it's all good.  No really, it is...see?  *standing on my head*  No, I can't really stand on my head, but I thought I would demonstrate that for you anyway.  Hey, it's a computer, I can be anything I want right?  That's right.  That's why I'm a crackwhore.  Must be a secret aspiration...maybe fantasy...of mine.  I don't know.  Sure, why not?  Yes?  No?  What if a 6 were a 9?

    Do do do do do do...Madam Zu kicks ass you know.  Even if she is a coke head.  I'm a pot head, so who am I to judge, right?  Right.  And this is only rumours too, they could very well be wrong.  I still think she spins awesome music.  I'm really sorry that the spelling has been so shitty lately, I keep forgetting to hit the spell check button.  I mean, it's a simple thing, but goddamn, I just can't seem to remember it sometimes.  I hope no one that reads these is religious...'cause...I say goddamn a lot.

    And so, we must pause for a brief second so that Erin can hoot from her pipe....I have bad luck with Candles it would seem.  Well, since I've moved in here at least.  I can't quite explain it, but when I leave here, there will be wax all over everything.  *tee hee*  150$ Damage deposit gone because of wax...wouldn't that be funny?  Just like when I said to Clarence yesterday, "wouldn't it be interesting if someone like...ate your shakin' the lake ticket 'cause they were all mad at you??  How would we explain that one?!  How would we get you a new one?!"  Of course, that's a far fetched idea, but hey, it could happen.  Sometimes people just turn all psycho for no reason.  I can't explain it, you can't explain it...just happens.

    "You are are a homosexual, I know it, your family knows it...DOGS KNOW IT!  Everyone seems to know it except you...."  Gotta love the kids in the hall.  And if you don't know who they are definitely missing out.  Hardcore.  I don't even know what made me think of that line.  It's just...funny.  Oh yeah.  Life is funny.  People are funny.  Not necessarily a good funny though, if you know what I mean.  And I know you do.  *wink wink, nudge nudge*