Tuesday, March 27th, 2001  0:32

Good Evening.  Morning.  Night?  Whichever.  I sit, in the dark, after cleaning for the past two days.  Although, the bathroom only took an hour (which is a lot less than I thought it would take).  I have a horrible headache right now, and I figured that writing in the dark with my candles and such might help things.  Although, I think it's making it worse, as the bright light from my monitor hurts my eyes a bit.  Bleh.  What is a girl to do.  Light a smoke I guess.

I put a bunch of slow songs into a play list....hmmm...I wonder how this will go.  It's on random, so it's all out of synch.  I think it's going okay though.  I don't know what I want to write about tonight.  I have no set topics...no real reason for writing.  Just to see what comes up I suppose.  I'm going back to school in April.  I'm a little nervous about this.  School.  Bah.  I hated school so much.  This is going to be a challenge though, and I could use one right now.  I mean, an attainable challenge.  :)  I have many others, but they're more like goals I guess.

My Karen has gone and left me again.  Back to Germany.  Oh the things we do for boys.  :)  And Amsterdam and all.  I mean, man, how can you not go?  I'd go if I could, I think she's an incredibly lucky girl to be doing all this travelling.  I envy her.  My sister is gone to Edmonton for a week.   Everyone's travelling.  Bah.  Not fair I say.  I travel around the city.  That's about it.  I think I have 20 air miles.  That won't get me anything!  Stoopid airmiles.

After three months of searching I finally found my wish you were here cd.  I've had the case, but no cd...and now it's back!  Hurrah!!!  Good  things come to those who clean.  :)  I found all kinds of things...and threw out all kinds of things...and stuph.  :)  It was greaaaaat.  Really.  Anyway, I've had enough, my head hurts, and I can't churn out any more thoughts right now.  Good night.