Saturday, March 3rd, 2001  16:52

Hack hack, cough cough...too much smoke in the lungs is never a good thing.  Well...not at the time, but the after effect is quite nice.  Anyway, here I sit, in the mood to write, with nothing really on my mind.  Not entirely.  Okay, maybe a little, but I don't know if I wanna turn this into a wonderfully sappy stream.  I prefer the humour approach, although I'll be honest with you, I never try to be funny.  Sometimes it just seems that way.  Things come out all wrong you know.  I know how it is in my head, but try and get them out and they lose everything...all meaning...and what not.  Not entirely, but you know what I mean, yes?  Yes.

I met the most amazingly wonderful person a few weeks ago.  *happy sigh*  Oh I'm in heaven.  Floating all the time.  It's wonderful.  What isn't mind you, is that I'm smoking too many cigarettes today.  *tsk tsk*  Gotta stop that.  Oh well I guess.  Does it really matter anyway?  Yes...I guess.  Maybe.  I don't know, I guess I will some day.  Do you realize, that I'm going to be 20 soon?  Holy, I'm scared.  No more teens!  Only about a month and a half left.  Two months almost.  Goodness.  That's crazy, isn't it?  I think it is.  Maybe I'm crazy.

Well now, what to talk about.  I lost my train of thought awhile ago and I haven't been able to get it back it would seem.  I should really go and get dressed and ready to go out anyway I suppose.  Free food!  Hurrah!  :P  How can you go wrong?  Anyway, take care.