Saturday, May 26th, 2001  05:05

    So,  I realize that it's been forever and a day since I last wrote a stream.  Sorry about that, for anyone who actually still reads them.  I have been without internet, and without phone for the past few months, so I don't really think of writing too often.  On the plus side, I do have cable now (tv, not internet).  Interesting life I lead, isn't it?

    And so here I sit at 5am, since I'm an idiot, and I went to bed at like, 9pm.  Smart Erin!  Bah.  I felt sick though.  What's a girl to do?  I'm having trouble writing without music, but that's okay.  I don't want to play anything because my Scottay is sleeping.  Hehehe...mush, I know, I'm sorry.  Blah.  I don't quite know what to ramble on about here.  Hydro disconnected me over a 60 dollar bill.  Boo...hiss.  Bastards.  It's not that much at all.  Easy enough to get back I suppose.  I need to find a cigarette or a hoot or something to that effect.  Excuse me for a moment...

    Of course, you know I just had to have both, and then find some music to play quietly, so it is now 5:29am.  Sheesh.  You know you're a stoner when you can smoke a joint in 10 seconds if you have to, or you can take a half hour to take lung hits.  I dun't get it.  That probably made no sense at all, but see, it made sense in my head before I said it.  I love Tori Amos.  I think she's neat.  I have a thing for red heads.  Hehehe.

    So far, no new pictures of me, although my hair is lighter red, and that's about it.  Not too much different I guess.  Excited about having cable.  And Karen comes back from Germany this week.  And...oh yes, I turned 20 in April.  That was fun and exciting.  I feel like I'm still 18.  Funny, because when I was 18, I felt like I was 30.  I don't know what I'm going to be like by the time I actually hit 30.  My sister is turning 15 this year.  Next year, she can drive.  She's gotten so old.  So very fast.  It's funny how that happens.  Kinda scary at the same time though, mind you everything is rather scary to me.

    So, auto-save really sucks.  It completely lost me.  Bah.  Where did my thoughts go?!  I guess that's it for me.  Take Care :)